Curcuma Rhizome BIO

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Turmeric longa essential oil

Turmeric is a plant 60 to 70 cm high and resembles canna (an ornamental flowering plant) with large, pointed leaves facing upwards. Everyone knows its rhizome which colours dishes and perfumes Indian cuisine. It is a digestive plant and a natural preservative. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the rhizomes and gives a yield of 4 to 5 kg for 1 tonne of rhizome in 6 to 8 hours. The fragrance is sweet, particular, pleasant…

biochemical composition:

Be careful, turmeric contains a high proportion of ketones and we know the toxicity towards pregnant women, babies, epileptics so be careful. In any case, therapeutic use is generally done over very short periods which reduces the risks.

Ketones (Ar-Turmerone, Beta-Turmerone)

Sesquiterpenes (Zingiberene, Curcumene)

Monoterpenes (Alpha-Phellandrene, Terpinolene), Oxides, Monoterpenols

Chromatographic analysis of 01/02/2021

Alpha-phellandrene 2.20%

Beta-phellandrene + i.8 cineole 8.52%

Ar-curcumene 3.51%

Alpha-zingiberene 4.36%

Beta-sesquiphellandrene 3.51%

Beta-turmerone 4.85%

Ar-turmerone 34.43%

Alpha-turmerone 11.77%

Turmeric essential oil aids digestion and reduces flatulence, bloating, stimulates the secretion of bile.

It is mainly anti-bacterial (action on staphylococcus aureus), anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and vermifuge (on pinworms and ascarids) but finds applications in many sectors even cosmetics (Indian tradition of putting turmeric paste on the face to certainly get benefits from it.) It is certain that the essential oil acts on the skin, acne pimples but I prefer tea tree.

an interesting action on warts


Acne+, skin problem++, warts++

Hair loss++, ringworm++, dandruff++,

Joint pain, muscle pain,

Difficulty sleeping, anxiety,

Irregular or painful periods++,

Digestive disorders+++, intestinal worms+++, colitis+++,

USE in friction, diffusion in synergy, bath, massage, inhalation, olfaction, internal use

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