Michel Sommerard, is a pure product of 1968, faithful to his ideas, and engaged in a path of research and production, in essential oils and the environment, since the 70s.
It was controlled and certified organic at the very beginning by Nature & Progrès, an association for which he campaigned, and participated in the board of directors. First organic expert at the Ministry of Agriculture for the control of extra-community imports, to develop specifications, introduce ethics and protect our farmers.

Since 1990, organic has been recognized, ECOCERT is created, and controls Michel's activity (Florame company in Saint Rémy de Provence of which he is the founder). The Mahasoa farm in Madagascar has also been controlled by ECOCERT SINCE 1995. In 2000 Michel moved there to resume a production activity but regularly returns to St Rémy de Provence, his home port in France and to Montpellier very close to the pharmacy faculty where he studied...
His eldest son, Jean Charles Sommerard, inherited this passion and is recognized today as a talented perfumer.... It is a whole life, a whole family, dedicated to essential oils and medicinal plants.


I do simple but sensitive work, observing with humility the variabilities, cosmic (biodynamics) and climatic, to offer you the best of our land, my plants, and myself.
At my age and after my life journey, I have no other ambition than the pleasure of good work and a good result.
An essential oil is above all an enchantment. A subtle link from Nature to the divine that lives within us and to infinity...
I can and will therefore only cultivate and produce reasonable quantities and this is why I intend them for professionals, aromatherapists, and amateurs (because in amateur there is love) who are enlightened and aware of the quality of my essential oils.
I am proposing more of an exchange than a trade so that my essential oils can continue their life path with people sensitive to the spirit of harmony and serenity, which brings even more to their effectiveness.
I can say it with all sincerity, I do not engage anyone other than myself, I talk to my plants and my oils, we have an intimate bond, I listen to them, they feed my intuitions and guide me in my research. I live with them and I send them to do good. I am their father, even if it does not seem very scientific, and I adore them.

La ferme Mahasoa, (the porte bonheur) in Ampasimanjeva, valley ofPharaoh.

In Ampasimanjeva, aOn the shores of the Indian Ocean, in the South-East of Madagascar, we cultivate and distill as a family and with passion the finest vintages of organic essential oils for your health and well-being. be.

Our plantation covers nearly 500 hectares and is home to spontaneous and endemic species that we preserve for future generations. There are cinnamon, cloves, ravintsara, niaouli, guava, pepper, vanilla, ramy, romba, ylang ylang, coffee and eucalyptus around which many medicinal plants with multiple virtues grow spontaneously...

I have built two distilleries which benefit from my experience in France (Sté FLORAME in St Rémy de Provence) and I designed our stills to the dimensions of the golden ratio out of conviction and a desire for harmonization, because I have been working in organic and biodynamic farming for over 40 years.

Our stills are energy efficient and save wood; everything is insulated and we even recover the heat from the boiler fumes to produce steam. We produce our electricity with the sun, and the distillation water comes from a borehole under the river which guarantees us perfect quality for our drink and distillation. We compost our plant waste which, mixed with zebu manure, makes a very rich natural fertilizer. We produce our seeds, and consume our own rice.

Today it is a real pleasure to walk on this generous land that we love...

Personalized Aroma Consulting
We cannot advise the use of essential oils in an impersonal way, so I suggest you ask your specific questions on our site. I will be happy to answer them personally if I am able, otherwise I will direct you to the best solution.For everyday household useyou can download our brochure.
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